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Vincent Orlov is Elias Voit's lawyer and reluctant accomplice, and a recurring character in the second season of Criminal Minds: Evolution.


Orlov studied law at the American Independent University of Guam before becoming a public defender in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His ex-wife Cindy only recently separated from him, as he's unabashedly misogynistic from believing women are best as housewives. Also a sadist, Orlov came across Voit's criminal network, subscribing to the snuff and torture footage of Voit's accomplices to lure him into being Voit's lawyer by the time of his arrest.

Criminal Minds: Evolution[]

Orlov is first introduced in a meeting with Voit, promising his deal went through to only convict him of manslaughter and kidnapping of a federal agent. Voit then told him he wanted a favor, threatening Cindy in no uncertain terms if Orlov didn't abide by his demands. Irate nevertheless, Orlov dug up one of Voit's "kill kits" to pass on to Damien Booth and Jade Waters, a tracking system meant to lure them to one of his hideouts. Orlov negotiated with Jade, while Damien trained a sniper rifle on him, taking a pot shot near his feet as a warning. Jade was originally distrusting, but Orlov convinced the two to take the equipment. Orlov later met with Voit again to inform him of his impending transfer to minimum security. When Prentiss was abducted, Orlov went to Rebecca Wilson and requested another reduction of Voit's sentence and immunity for himself, in exchange for revealing Prentiss' location. The Director of the FBI overrode everyone else's opinions and made the agreement, bringing Voit back out of prison to headquarters to participate in the rescue op.


  • Orlov's backstory may be a reference to the character Saul Goodman from the TV series Breaking Bad and its spin-off Better Call Saul. Both went to law school at colleges in U.S. Pacific island territories (American Independent University of Guam, University of American Samoa) before becoming defense attorneys in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

