Criminal Minds Wiki

Stuart House was a clandestine experimental program disguised as troubled teen facility that targeted at-risk teenagers who were found to be predisposed for serial murder. It was created by Aida Limited founded on a white paper co-authored by Jason Gideon and David Rossi. It features prominently in Criminal Minds: Evolution.


Stuart House’s founding principles were based on a white paper co-authored by Jason Gideon and David Rossi that described types of environments that could generate serial killers and how they might be controlled. While the two never published the paper, fearing its potential implications, a proposal based on it was forwarded by Dr. Jill Gideon, who hoped to use its findings to reverse-engineer the variables that identified teenage psychopathy and intervene in at-risk children's lives before they became criminals. Five kids, nicknamed the "Gold Stars", were held captive, brutalized, and raped repeatedly to mold them into child soldiers for the house's founder, private contractor and cult leader Frank Church. Aiden Keller wasn't responsive and ended up psychotic from the trauma, so he was kicked out and his records buried. Damien Booth and Jade Waters were most promising, especially when they became a couple and worked together. Dana Howe and Pete Bailey were their backup as needed. From there, Church designed his Aida Limited barracks to hold children captive and torture them into unofficial mercenaries, and rape slaves in the cases of the girls, for all of Church's desires. The FBI was blackmailed into never intervening due to the white paper and Pete being the brother of Deputy Director Doug Bailey, who failed to safely pull Pete out in time before he was fully indoctrinated. When Doug was assassinated by serial killer Elias Voit, Pete's vendetta against the FBI became more personal, as even Voit lied they killed him and Pete wanted revenge. Church started vetting them by having the group killing all the administrators and staff of Stuart House to cover up his own crimes. Once they were no longer needed, Church planned their murders by a mercenary "Strike Team", but the Gold Stars found out and killed them first.

Criminal Minds: Evolution

Stuart House was tracked when Aiden killed former employees after his own psychotic breakdowns. He was shot to stop him from murdering a receptionist of the facility, and it was briefly treated as a distraction due to sealed and misleading records. However, the facility came back into focus once the records of the staff's payoffs by Aida and there eventual murders were all tracked. Jill was also found, and after tense reunions, she admitted she gave the paper, horrified she never got to use it to help people by her interpretations. By the time she was targeted by the Gold Stars, she let herself get abducted by Damien. She took him to Gideon's cabin, where she revealed she provided the paper that put him and the other kids through hell. She successfully deprogrammed him, but she failed to prevent him from signaling Jade to kill him out of mercy before she fled. The remaining Gold Stars were tracked, and the ones left alive were peacefully arrested. Church was killed by them beforehand, and the barracks bombed, leaving the FBI the perfect opportunities to raid the locations and tear the company apart.

Known Members


  • Leader: Frank Church (deceased) Portrayed by Tuc Watkins.
  • Teachers:
    • Nancy Daley (held hostage by Aiden Keller and later rescued) Portrayed by Amy Pietz.
    • Timothy Leo (deceased) Portrayed by Jose Rosete.
  • Security:
    • George Kelby (deceased)
    • Adam Ulrich (deceased) Portrayed by Chris Ufland.
  • Psychologists:
    • Amelia Kane (psychotherapist; deceased)
    • Dr. Braden Welsh (deceased)
    • Dr. Christopher Rensel (deceased)
    • Dr. Hank Dosela (deceased) Portrayed by Ron Bottitta.
    • Julia Trofan (deceased)
    • Lyle Hullen (deceased)
    • Martin Natalez (deceased)
    • Nina Tayamo (deceased)
    • Sally Sanwell (deceased)
    • Sherwin Barnell (deceased)
    • Stanley Cheswick (deceased)
    • An unnamed psychiatric staffer (deceased)
    • Dr. Jill Gideon (formerly) Portrayed by Felicity Huffman.
  • An unnamed orderly (status unknown)