The Strike Team was a group of mercenaries contracted by the U.S. government. They appeared in Season Two of Evolution.
Not very much information is revealed about the Strike Team's past prior to the events of the "Gold Star" killings except that they were a group of mercenaries contracted by the U.S. government and tasked with keeping tabs on the staff and children (who would later grow up to be killers themselves) involved in the "Gold Star" program.
Criminal Minds: Evolution[]
A majority of the Strike Team was murdered by Damien Booth, leaving Don Bertoli and Isaac Sanchez as the only surviving members.
After surviving an attempt on his life by Booth, Bertoli carries his murdered wife to the police station he worked at and begs for help, only to be apprehended and taken in for questioning. During most of his interrogation, Bertoli kept quiet, but one day during one of his visits by David Rossi and Emily Prentiss as they were investigating the "Gold Star" killings, he assaulted three police officers assigned to watch over him, stole a gun off of one of them and holds the agents at gunpoint. Despite their best efforts to try and talk him down, Bertoli turns the gun on himself and commits suicide, leaving Sanchez as the only sole survivor.
Later on, Sanchez is confronted and murdered by Booth, his tongue being cut out and being left for dead. This in turn, results in all members of the Strike Team being dead.
Further in the investigation, it was revealed that the group was hired by Frank Church to kill the Gold Stars to tie up any loose ends connected to him.
Modus Operandi[]
It's unclear what the M.O. of the Strike Team is seeing as how most of their work was or may have been done in secret and the methods are more than likely varied.
When they were hired by Frank Church, they were tasked with keeping tabs on the five children involved with the Gold Star program and to eliminate them should they rebel against him.
During his interrogation with the police and the BAU, Don Bertoli assaulted several police officers, grabbed a gun off of one of them, and briefly held Emily Prentiss and David Rossi at gunpoint before turning the gun on himself.
It's unclear whether or not an official profile was made for the Strike Team seeing as how the main focus of the investigation of the "Gold Star" killings was focused on the Gold Star program as a whole.
- Leader: Trevor Carlyle (deceased)
- Assets:
- Don Bertoli (police officer; deceased). Portrayed by Zeke Alton.
- Arturo Mendez (mechanical engineer; deceased).
- Sean Riggs (senior insurance agent; deceased).
- Gerald Fulton (security analyst; deceased).
- Isaac Sanchez (detective; deceased). Portrayed by Clayton Cannon.
Known Victims[]
- Presumably killed numerous unnamed victims through their capacity as trained mercenaries.
- 2023, February: The interrogation room attack carried out by Don Bertoli:
- Two unnamed police officers (assaulted)
- An unnamed police officer (assaulted and stole his gun)
- Briefly held the following at gunpoint:
- Intended to kill the following by orders of Frank Church:
- Damien Booth (assigned to Don Bertoli)
- Aiden Keller (assigned to Arturo Mendez)
- Pete Bailey (assigned to Sean Riggs)
- Dana Howe (assigned to Gerald Fulton)
- Jade Waters (assigned to Isaac Sanchez)