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Richard Stahl is the accomplice of serial killer Rawlins, who appeared in the Suspect Behavior finale "Death by a Thousand Cuts".


Born in 1962, Richard Stahl had a troubled childhood, with both of his parents dying and ending up being left with his aunt, Mary Ellen. he eventually gained a tendency to self mutilate, shown in carving "Death by a Thousand Cuts" in Chinese on his bed's headboard and cutting off two of his fingers with a circular motorized saw. He began work as a prison guard, where his superior, Rawlins, gained an influence over him, and started manipulating him into what culminated as a series of terrorizing killings in Dallas, where random strangers were killed by people wanting to save their loved ones from them. Stahl successfully executed this with three different abductions and resulting proxy murders, the latest one being of Max Dixon, whose father shot a stranger with a revolver he was provided before leaving it at the scene, as per the signature M.O. Stahl then kidnapped Carolyn Malek, the wife of Martin Malek who was pregnant with their child. After Carolyn got off the phone with Martin, Stahl appeared holding her at gunpoint before forcing her to join him at the hideout where the operations were conducted. Martin was then called by Stahl, receiving the revolver and being told to save Carolyn, he had to kill a civilian at a local market within less then a half hour. The Red Cell team stops Martin before he can commit a murder, but with seconds to spare, Martin shoots himself under the chin with his gun to save Carolyn who weeps from seeing Martin's suicide live. Stahl is furious, but since the ransom was paid, he releases Carolyn. Later on, Rawlins kills one of their colleagues, Martinez, knocks out Prophet, and abducts Griffith as a new victim. At this point, Cooper and LaSalle realize Stahl's the submissive unsub from seeing his bed and meeting Mary Ellen, who's horrified by Stahl's role. Later on, Stahl calls Cooper and says to meet him in a square for another murder in fifteen minutes, having already sent another revolver. Rawlins watches over Griffith, while Stahl is present as the next proxy victim. Cooper tries to talk Stahl down, but he tearfully counts down the ransom time window. In the meantime, Rawlins prepares to shoot Griffith if the demands aren't paid. The episode cuts to black with a gunshot, leaving everyone's fates undetermined.



Modus Operandi[]

Stahl abducted his victims, whom he and Rawlins presumably stalked beforehand, whenever it was convenient, approaching them at gunpoint and forcing them into his vehicle, placing a bag over their head for the duration of the ride to his hideout. Once the victim was secure, Stahl would call their loved one, send a video of the abducted, and give instructions on where to find a Smith & Wesson Model 13, which would be used to kill a random person in a crowded area in exchange for the release of the hostage. Once the murder was committed, a picture of the body would have to be sent to Stahl.

Known Victims[]

  • Two unnamed victims
  • Max Dixon
  • Carolyn Malek (was pregnant)
  • Beth Griffith (was presumably killed by Rawlins)